Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Recently someone has often reiterated the point that we are 'friends'. What does friendship mean to you? To me, friendship means that I can tell someone my troubles, my insights, my overly critical opinions, and political views and my sometimes interesting stories without the fear of being judged. Luckily, I have many friends who fit this description so why bother wasting my time on those that don't match up to the wonderful people in my life.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rolling Stone

i will assume that most of you who appreciate good music with or without lyrics can relate to the experience of hearing a particular song or songs which connects with you on an emotional level during a certain time in your life. the song may not have been influencial or important in the past or in the future, but one day it just seems to fit. at the current moment, i have been listening to the song of 'Baker Street' by Gerry Rafferty. this song makes me think of my life over the past year. if you have not heard it, try going to grooveshark.com and have a listen.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

China Celeb

on friday morning I made my way to china for a little side project. shanghai, wuhan and nanjing were all part of the scheduled destinations for my work. shanghai involved going from mall to mall to avoid the rain and cold but I did manage to find a very nice jacket and scarf. if there is one thing I truly miss as a result of living near the equator, it is winter and fall fashion.

wuhan is an industrial city and it is cold but I did manage to get interviewed by the local and national news stations and then a day later in nanjing I also got interviewed. I am seriously contemplating the idea of leaving the world of teaching behind to enter the world of male modeling. hopefully, I have not yet reached my prime and the over forty's section of the sear's winter catalogue fashion line awaits me presence.

while I was in nanjing I met a lovely girl who took me out on the town and should me some of the local hotspots. in all honesty, I have not come across a more kinder and gentler soul. more to come on that story soon. sorry for the delay but communism does not like blogs or social networks.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Man Time

a few weeks ago my friend told me that I need to spend more time with men. perhaps he is right and perhaps I have not spent enough of my extra time slapping my guy friends' asses. when you are as effeminate as I am, sometimes these acts of affection are misunderstood.

I have found some new male friends that I enjoy and they seem to fit a certain profile, 'just gay enough' (jge). If you are one of my boyfriends, you are likely jge. if you don't think so, take a look in the mirror. If you still don't think so, think about all the times that you hugged me and wondered if the embrace was almost too close for comfort. Did it move?

I have began to spend more time with my male companions while here in saigon and dream about the ones that I left behind. You know who you are.

Happy Birthday

She is the classiest person I have ever had the opportunity of meeting and I cannot recall learning more from an individual as I did from her. Elegant, funny, compassionate, caring, loving, wild and adventurous, a great listener, wise beyond her years, intuitive, Pisces, dragon, a great sense of style and one of the craziest party goers I have ever known: Leslie.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Recent Past

there have been a few women during the past that have had a profound effect on my life, better or for worse. some have helped me with their love and wisdom. others, have hindered my progress as a person but ultimately led me towards furthering my strength and character.

summer 2009: my lowest point and my highest times. the season came to me with inevitable and necessary change and ended with a chance encounter that changed my negative cynical outlook.

the last days of Canada were cherished and lessons were learned. don't be such a judgmental prick, "some people only hear the shit", and "quit being so hard on others, we are all just doing our own thing" were all important to take with me in my next stage in personal development.

there is less judgment but I still hear the shit; give me more time. I am improving and learning not to be as critical and self-critical but I do have lapses.

this week I had contact with one of the profound women. We'll see what happens.

Starting Point

nine months ago things happened, big things. nine months ago began the transitional period of my life which seems to follow seven year cycles. my new cycle has begun but for the last 3/4 of a year, I was emotionally idle. things, for me, have all ways taken a while to process when it comes to activities involving the heart or penis. add in large amounts of things that rhyme with 'ooze', and then you have my psychological of emotional development over the course of 9 months.

now, what to do......